Not Solved [Error Message] Error Message When Deleting Posts (Permanently)
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Hello! When I am attempting to delete a post permanently, no matter how many posts it is, I get an error saying that it cannot be performed.

[Image: unknown.png]

This happens no matter what account I am on; though my admin account is the root admin account. We host through A2Hosting.

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Dropping by to discuss the issue here at hand.

This website is using the Threadlog Plugin by amwelles. Unfortunately it has an error in its code causing this very issue.

Folks can attempt to fix it themselves by making these edits.

Or by downloading an updated version that fixes minor issues and replaces the "include in threadlog" with "exclude from threadlog" since RPG forums tend to have more IC forums that OOC this just takes away a little bit of set up time in the forums area.

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