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Solved: 2 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago Change the colour of Subforum text?
Solved: 2 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago
I couldn't find where abouts I can change the text color of Subforum titles? as seen in the image when I change the trow colours everything changes. How do I target specific areas of text? Also The little folder icon some are white the others grey? how did that happen?

I also had to share the link to the image because If I try to add picture with Link it does not show.

Forum: https://uros-roleplay.net/index.php

Kind Regards
Solved: 2 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago
The icon looks grey because it has an opacity of 40%

Theme global.css
.subforum_minioff {
	color: #fff;
	opacity: .4;	
	font-size: 5px;

The reason is that this sub forum has no new (unread) posts.
Solved: 2 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago
(2022-11-25, 08:20 PM)SvePu Wrote: The icon looks grey because it has an opacity of 40%

Theme global.css
.subforum_minioff {
	color: #fff;
	opacity: .4;	
	font-size: 5px;

The reason is that this sub forum has no new (unread) posts.

Thank you very much!
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