2023-07-03, 10:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-03, 03:03 PM by RocketFoot. Edited 3 times in total.)
Hey guys, I am getting an error when I try to visit the portal page on my site... Here is the message it is displaying when the error pops up...
Looks like it is something to do with Google SEO but I have already gone through this and updated to all of the correct code! Any ideas?
Sorry! I just realized that I should have posted this in the Google SEO Support Thread! I will cross post it there now because I can't delete this thread!
If anyone else comes across this error, here is the fix:
Quote: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null & mysqli_result in /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php:619 Stack trace: #0 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php(887): google_seo_url_optimize(1, 1) #1 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php(1353): google_seo_url_cache(1, 1) #2 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/functions.php(6396): google_seo_url_profile(1) #3 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/functions.php(6464): get_profile_link(1) #4 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/global.php(531): build_profile_link('RocketFoot', 1) #5 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/portal.php(39): require_once('/home/alpharome...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php on line 619
Looks like it is something to do with Google SEO but I have already gone through this and updated to all of the correct code! Any ideas?
Sorry! I just realized that I should have posted this in the Google SEO Support Thread! I will cross post it there now because I can't delete this thread!
If anyone else comes across this error, here is the fix:
MyBB 1.8.38
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