Not Solved [Error Message] Error when trying to visit the Portal
Not Solved
Hey guys, I am getting an error when I try to visit the portal page on my site...  Here is the message it is displaying when the error pops up...

Quote: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null & mysqli_result in /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php:619 Stack trace: #0 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php(887): google_seo_url_optimize(1, 1) #1 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php(1353): google_seo_url_cache(1, 1) #2 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/functions.php(6396): google_seo_url_profile(1) #3 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/functions.php(6464): get_profile_link(1) #4 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/global.php(531): build_profile_link('RocketFoot', 1) #5 /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/portal.php(39): require_once('/home/alpharome...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/alpharomeo15/public_html/inc/plugins/google_seo/url.php on line 619

Looks like it is something to do with Google SEO but I have already gone through this and updated to all of the correct code!  Any ideas?

Sorry!  I just realized that I should have posted this in the Google SEO Support Thread!  I will cross post it there now because I can't delete this thread!

If anyone else comes across this error, here is the fix:
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