Not Solved Error 500 when activating Related Threads plugin
Not Solved
Hi, I am having a problem with this plugin, every time I try to activate it, it shows a blank page saying Error 500,

I got the plugin from the location in this post.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and it still doesn't work. It used to work on previous versions of MyBB 1.8 but since the update that is no longer the case.

Is there any way to fix this? 

Thank you in advance for the help.  Smile
Thank you in advance for your time, and as always I appreciate any help offered.

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Not Solved
similar threads feature , mybb has it as a core feature why do you want yo install a plugin for that ?
Not Solved
Hi, thank you for responding, I had the plugin because the feature built in to MyBB doesn't work, and it hasnt for a long time, and so, I used the plugin and had no problems, but unfortunately it no longer works because of the updates.

I just uninstalled the plugin now and tried to set up the feature built in to MyBB and it still doesn't work..

Nevermind, I uninstalled a few others and now it works..

Thanks again for the help..
Thank you in advance for your time, and as always I appreciate any help offered.

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