Solved: 1 Year, 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago htaccess redirect is permanent
Solved: 1 Year, 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Got it...

homepage is now Portal with login, logout & registration working perfecty. (main address no php)

logout redirects to homepage (portal)

index.php is still Forum

portal.php is still portal (also homepage without php suffix)

No issues with each section working independently.

links remain within their inherent strutcure & locations.

recent forum posts immediately go to portal as well.

if section is deactivated they don't go to portal.

worked on this all morning & have not run across any glitches.

using 1.8.36

only 2 simple steps @ panel:

1. .htacces - DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm
This will make portal.php & main address [Home] - forum remains index.php.

2. member.php - line #1983 - 'redirect ("enter domain address", $lang->redirect_loggedout);
*enter redirect 'physical main address'

Note: use your plain domain address when configured as that will be your portal; when you arrive & back when you leave.

Location: *ttp://

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