Not Solved Suggested order of events for upgrading my forum
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I built my forum more than ten years ago ( The forum is still running MyBB 1.6 and running on the http (rather than https) protocol.

As an introduction, at one point in my career with briefly worked with servers using UNIX, but that was more in a marketing type of role and was a very long time ago (20+ years). Even then it has been a very long time since I last messed around with anything that was technical in nature. As a part of that job I set up a forum on the company Intranet and so it wasn't too difficult for me to launch my own forum using MyBB.

Now more than a decade has passed since I set up my forum. As mentioned above, it is still running on MyBB 1.6 (version 1.6.9). Also, I set my forum up on the http protocol, which it is still using. Obviously my forum is in need of a bit of love and I will admit that I am a bit intimidated by this. I had nothing to lose when I first set it up as there were no members, no existing threads, etc.. Now that I have a longstanding forum community, I would like to do right by them. When I initially set up my forum, I believe that I was able to do everything that was needed through the MyBB Admin CP. In order to upgrade, I don't know whether or not I will need to obtain help from the ISP I am currently using.

So I am wondering if anyone can recommend how I should go about proceeding with updating my forum. Should I first work on upgrading to MyBB 1.8 or should I first work on obtaining the necessary certificate for running the https protocol? I ask about https because some of my forum members have run into problems using the Chrome bowser because the forum is still running the http protocol. Also, how much of a headache should I expect when trying to upgrade from 1.6.9 to version 1.8? Can I upgrade directly to the most recent version of MyBB or do I need to go through a few different upgrade steps to get to the most recent version of MyBB?

Sorry for all of the questions. Any and all advice would be incredibly appreciated.

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