Not Solved "Purge soft deleted posts and threads" plugin doesn't seem to work
Not Solved
If I run this task manually under "Scheduled Task" it says "The selected task has been run successfully." and under "Task Logs" it says "Soft deleted posts and threads now are permanently deleted".

But if I manually download my MariaDB database I can see that posts and threads that are marked invisible (-1) are still in the database file.

What could be the issue? Can a non-standard table_prefix be the issue (e.g. "xxxmybb_" instead of "mybb_")? But then the plugin uses the variable "global $db" which should be the same?

Edit: The manual task seems to have worked I just had looked at an old database file, but I still have the problem that the task is not executed automatically.
Not Solved
Do other tasks run automatically?
is the task activated?
Does your footer template contain the following:

<!-- The following piece of code allows MyBB to run scheduled tasks. DO NOT REMOVE -->{$task_image}<!-- End task image code -->
Not Solved
Quote:Do other tasks run automatically?
Yes , according to the logs.
Quote:is the task activated?
Yes. Settings (default) are:

Time: Minutes: 2
Time: Hours: 0
Time: Days of Month: *
Time: Weekdays: every Weekday
Time: Months: Every Month

Quote:Does your footer template contain the following:

The only log entry is when I ran it manually. According to the settings it should run every 2 minutes. There should be a log entry, even if there were no deleted posts/threads, right?

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