Removing "Powered By MyBB"
I would like to remove "Powered By MyBB" and replace it with a picture with the same text on.

I would like to do this because spambots are using footprints like these, and when they've found your forum you'll get tons of crap posted.

Is it possible to do? If so, how? I won't break the terms this way, would I?

You have to pay $85,

It is fine to have a picture with the copyright in it, and the picture linking back to
The once-off fee that blueparukia is talking about is only if you wish to remove the copyright completely.
rh1n0 Wrote:It is fine to have a picture with the copyright in it, and the picture linking back to
The once-off fee that blueparukia is talking about is only if you wish to remove the copyright completely.

We do this in the footer part of Template.
For example i have a picture "copyright.jpg" on root directory.
How i must change Footer template, that it complies to MYBB-copyright.
I mean makeing the Picture clickable and it brings you to website?

Also i use German Mybb. German translators from also have their copyright in it. So i must make a clickable picture for them too.
this picture i will name "german-copyright.jpg".

This is copyright part of Template:
Quote:<td width="50&" align="center">

<!-- You may NOT remove, modify or hinder the visibility of the MyBB copyright at any time.
It must contain the links to the MyBB website and be formatted appropriately.

Failure to comply with the above will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law.
This is free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
{$lang->powered_by} <a href="" target="_blank">MyBB</a> {$mybbversion}<br />
{$lang->copyright} © 2002-{$copy_year} <strong><a href="" target="_blank">MyBB Group</a></strong>
<!-- End copyright -->


How do i replace Textlinks with clickable Images?
And can i also make a copyright from myself as picture and add it under your copyrights?
I am not sure of what requires in regards to copyrights - you will have to contact them about that issue.

For the how, see this tutorial:
This is free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
{$lang->powered_by} <a href="" target="_blank">MyBB</a> {$mybbversion}<br />
{$lang->copyright} © 2002-{$copy_year} <strong><a href="" target="_blank">MyBB Group</a>

<a href=" taget="_blank"><img src="copyright.jpg"></a>

And just add
<a href=""><img src="germancopyright.jpg"></a>
wherever you want it to appear,


EDIT: Rh1no seems to have given you a guide as well, I suggest you follow that
blueparukia Wrote:Replace
This is free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
{$lang->powered_by} <a href="" target="_blank">MyBB</a> {$mybbversion}<br />
{$lang->copyright} © 2002-{$copy_year} <strong><a href="" target="_blank">MyBB Group</a>

<a href=" taget="_blank"><img src="copyright.jpg"></a>

And just add
<a href=""><img src="germancopyright.jpg"></a>
wherever you want it to appear,


EDIT: Rh1no seems to have given you a guide as well, I suggest you follow that

Yes, that guide helped. I now changed Text copyrights with Image copyrights from and

But The 2 copyrights are not vertical aligned, but horizontal. Was not my motive to do so, but this is the result.

Now in footer right next to "Imprint.php"-Textlink comes English-copyright-Image-LINK and right next to that German-Copyright-Image-LINK.

Before it was 2 boxes in Footer, but for me it does not matter.
Thank you both.
Could I please have a screenshot?


blueparukia Wrote:Could I please have a screenshot?



Yes, here is the screenshot.
Image-Links are horizontal aligned and not vertical, as before with Text-Links.
So your footer template should look something like this..
			<br />
			<div class="bottommenu"><span class="smalltext"><a href="{$mybb->settings['contactlink']}">{$lang->bottomlinks_contactus}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['homeurl']}">{$mybb->settings['homename']}</a> | <a href="#top">{$lang->bottomlinks_returntop}</a> | <a href="#content">{$lang->bottomlinks_returncontent}</a> | <a href="<archive_url>">{$lang->bottomlinks_litemode}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=syndication">{$lang->bottomlinks_syndication}</a></span>
		<hr class="hidden" />
			<div id="copyright">
				<div id="debug"><debugstuff></div>
				<!-- You may NOT remove, modify or hinder the visibility of the MyBB copyright at any time.
				     It must contain the links to the MyBB website and be formatted appropriately.

					 Failure to comply with the above will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law.
					 This is free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
<a href=" taget="_blank"><img src="copyright.jpg"></a><br /><a href=""><img src="germancopyright.jpg"></a>
				<!-- End copyright -->
				<br />
<br class="clear" />

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