Not Solved Upgraded to 38 a weird problem while replying any thread
Not Solved
I tested too

Quickreply in 2-3 seconds, that's slow

on reply via "New Reply" button with editor everything is going smoothly

check for updated templates
check ACP --> Tools & Maintenance --> File Verification

did you follow Crazycat's advice regarding the plugins and if so, what was the result and if not, why not yet?
support ended 
Not Solved
@bv64 @crazycat

The problem is not with "New Reply". But with "Quick Reply". In "quick reply" if you post without any "Quotes" then you will see the reply itself is getting published but the spinner keeps rotating.

And also once the reply is being published it is likely that the message which will disappear from the "Quick Reply" box, right? But it is also not disappearing.
Not Solved
I'm sorry, I'm really quitting now because you've just ignored my questions again; that's just a waste of time for me
I hope you find the solution, good luck
support ended 
Not Solved
(2024-06-09, 03:39 AM)vk_knight Wrote: The problem is not with "New Reply". But with "Quick Reply". In "quick reply" if you post without any "Quotes" then you will see the reply itself is getting published but the spinner keeps rotating.
I tested again, but this time using quick reply after someone else post: the trouble occures.

Next step for you to solve that: disable all your plugins and check if the trouble is still there.

Next step for me: nothing until you did the asked operation.
Tchat en français
Do not ask me help through PM or Discord

Not Solved
@bv64 @crazycat I disabled all of my 11 plugins then tried to post. Yes, the problem is still there.

(2024-06-06, 06:52 PM)HLFadmin Wrote: Spinner appears briefly when editing a post with Quick Edit. Full Edit does not since the entire page is refreshed.
I have not dug into the code to see where it is called, but it appears between clicking Save Changes and the post refresh.
Perhaps between database update and commit then query to refresh.
Quick glance shows no difference in grep output between 1.8.37 and 1.8.38

~/Downloads/mybb_1838/Upload$ grep -r "spinner.gif"
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: #fff url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.85, #fff), color-stop(0.99, #eee));
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, #fff 85%, #eee 99%);
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #fff 85%, #eee 99%);
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 85%, #eee 99%) 0 0;
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: #f4f4f4 url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;
jscripts/select2/select2.css:    background: #fff url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100% !important;
admin/jscripts/themes.js:	miniSpinnerImage: "../images/spinner.gif",
admin/inc/functions_themes.php:		md5('.validation_loading') => array("class_name" => '.validation_loading', "values" => "background: url(images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center left;\n\tcolor: #555;\n\tmargin: 5px 0;\n\tpadding: 5px;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 11px;\n\tpadding-left: 22px;"),
install/resources/mybb_theme.xml:<div id="quickreply_spinner" class="showthread_spinner" style="display: none"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/spinner.gif" /></div>
install/resources/mybb_theme.xml:	var spinner_image = "{$theme['imgdir']}/spinner.gif";

A little deeper with grep -r "spinner" shows use of prefixes before spinner, indicates where you are likely to see it invoked.


(2024-06-08, 05:26 PM)bv64 Wrote: I tested too

Quickreply in 2-3 seconds, that's slow

on reply via "New Reply" button with editor everything is going smoothly

check for updated templates
check ACP --> Tools & Maintenance --> File Verification

did you follow Crazycat's advice regarding the plugins and if so, what was the result and if not, why not yet?

In File Verification nothing is out of the ordinary. (Only one file shows in my mybb forum. Which I myself modified years ago.)
Not Solved
If only one file shows as modified in file verification, then the anomaly is in the theme.
I tested a quickreply in your forum thread, and verified the spinner runs.
Even though the page displayed my post plus a couple of edits, plus another quickreply added, page source did not show the contents of the post. That's strange.
[edit to add]I may have been looking in the wrong place. Maybe the new post did not show in the sidebar right away.

All of the core mybb quickreply spinner action appears to be controlled from javascript, specifically thread.js
I note that your headerinclude has an embedded script
<!-- Progress Bar -->

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
 NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false });
 $(document).ready(function() {

Is it possible that core is conflicting with code in the theme?
thread.js was modified in update from 1.8.37 to 1.8.38

Cerulean theme by vintagedaddyo is old. Could not find his github, but did find he uploaded a zip of Cerulean 1.3 which seemed to be a work in progress from 2019 2021. Will look at that to see what is in there.

Consider commenting that script out. I am not javascript-adept, so I can't go much further, and it is fruitless to try on my production forum which is still on 1837.
Not Solved
Tried commenting out the Progress script. Still no change.

The problem is also there in the default theme. I checked it myself. Same thing no change.

I am no coding expert but the file /jscripts/thread was upgraded during 37 to 38 transition, right? Should there be the problem.
Not Solved
Not Solved
I cannot attempt to replicate it here until I go up to 1838 and install the theme for testing.
Is this the latest version of Cerulean you are using?
The author may have made changes after this post.
Not Solved
I just logged in, took a quick look, and found a Javascript error in the console that might be causing this. It seems that your showthread template is missing the lines:

	var thread_deleted = "{$thread_deleted}";
	var visible_replies = "{$thread['replies']}";

These are normally found between the lines:
	var allowEditReason = "{$mybb->settings['alloweditreason']}";
	lang.save_changes = "{$lang->save_changes}";

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