Not Solved How do I change this icon?
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Hi, how do I change this icon?

It shows up in the automedia.css for the plugin, but I hate the look of it and would rather use the green arrow next to the log out link in the header.

When I used the dev tools in my browser, I saw that it is named ".prev-img" but with no way to change it.
Thank you in advance for your time, and as always I appreciate any help offered.

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I can't open the link due to workplace policies.

It may be linked in the css directly. Have you tried searching for .prev-img in the CSS and see if it has a hard coded link which you can manually update?

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Not Solved
Hi Ben, thank you for the response, normally I'd post the image with the img tag but the images never show up in my posts when I do.. I am not sure if it is a restriction with my account or of the group itself.. I don't have this issue posting images on my forum.. but basically the image itself is a magnifying glass and it is goofy looking in posts with links.

Anyway what do you mean by hard coded?

I am not a coder, so that's why I am a little confused by your question.
Thank you in advance for your time, and as always I appreciate any help offered.

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