Brand New Install - Can't Log In Via Admin
I'm getting " Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again."

I can not log in via the initial admin login and password via any method or browser or computer/phone.

I've read other threads regarding this error, but I can't find one where the admin can't log in to the admin side or front end.
this error is belong to wrong my_post_key  value and usually happened because bad theme coding and this parameter is missing for example make sure belong variable exist in headerinclude template

<script type="text/javascript">
var my_post_key = "{$mybb->post_code}";

if you are login with a popup login form check that form template.

Note : if you not found solution for and if you want I can fix problem for you as non-free service , for more information reads signature.
(2024-09-03, 09:41 PM)Mostafa.Shiraali Wrote: this error is belong to wrong my_post_key  value and usually happened because bad theme coding and this parameter is missing for example make sure belong variable exist in headerinclude template

<script type="text/javascript">
var my_post_key = "{$mybb->post_code}";

if you are login with a popup login form check that form template.

Note : if you not found solution for and if you want I can fix problem for you as non-free service , for more information reads signature.

Where do I find the headerinclude template?   I have since uninstalled and re-installed, and am able to log into the admin side, but still get the error on the front end.

I am looking at "Header Template" and do not see anything called headerinclude, and in the header itself there is no script 

I'm using the default install template and theme, I have changed absolutely nothing.

ACP --> Templates --> [choose Template Set] --> Ungrouped Templates --> headerinclude

Link to your page?
(2024-09-04, 04:44 AM)bv64 Wrote: headerinclude:

ACP --> Templates --> [choose Template Set] --> Ungrouped Templates --> headerinclude

Link to your page?

Thank you! 
The variable to be "added" was already in there.  Again, this is a fresh install version 1.8.38

These templates:
  • header_welcomeblock_guest
  • member_login
  • portal_welcome_guesttext

All have:
<input name="my_post_key" type="hidden" value="{$mybb->post_code}" />

and template "error_nopermission" doesn't appear to have a place for the above:

<li>{$lang->error_nopermission_guest_2} <a href="member.php?action=login">{$lang->login}</a> | <a href="member.php?action=register">{$lang->need_reg}</a></li>

Beyond that, still stuck with original error.

Link to page:
I still need help with this, but have an additional observation.

I have removed and reinstalled myBB several times into its own root directory, but only when I install it into a subdirectory does it function as expected with no login issues. I do not want it to be in a subdirectory if I can avoid it. Any thoughts on why this may be? It is a base untouched 1.8.38 installation, it works if in its own subdirectory, but NOT if it is in the root of the domain's html.

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