The forum is very good, also some users here who are helpful.
But I had to realize that some users don't answer the asked questions but write discriminated answers that have nothing to do with the topic.
The fact that there are so many surveys about boys and girls on my forum does not mean that I am a pedophile or boy lover.
So that's it for this topic.
I would like to make it clear that I am female!
I ask the administrator to delete my profile, in the CP I find no reference to a deletion option.
well then...
the question wasn't whether you are a pedophile or a boy lover, but whether you run or are setting up a forum for pedophiles.
Since you still haven't answered this question, I set the answer to YES for me.
I can't understand why you don't provide a link to refute the suspicion!
The medium is neutral, the content is not.
Secrecy tries to hide, and when known, silence normalizes the unacceptable.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

The forum is neither secret nor does it have anything to hide
You don't have to reveal your domain everywhere

I think this is the last answer to one of the topics here is

This is the reason for past quick moderation actions being taken.

I would like to clarify that attraction to children as a mental disorder is not illicit by itself in most globalized nations that respect Human Rights.

Content or media shared, on the other hand, has to be considered with cautious based on the context.

Because of this, it was concluded your projects to violate our Support Eligibility policy, on the ground of "Danger to privacy/safety/security"

The distribution of child pictures is questionable on privacy grounds. Because they are children, we have to take a stricter stance on this matter on their behalf, it is our responsibility.

However, no apparent reason for banning your account or completely blocking you from asking for support seems to exist.

Please note that this is a community driven by free volunteers, so they are free to not offer support for this or any reason.

People are free to clarify this in the support threads, as long as they don't harass or spam around.

With this in mind, feel free to keep asking for support, as long as your project is legal. You are also free to open a thread in the Private Inquiries if anyone has any questions.


Edit: 10/10/2024 Updated the post to replace "a problem" with "illicit by itself".
Edit: 11/10/2024 Updated the post to replace "pedophilia" with "attraction to children as a mental disorder".
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