Auto post in specific forum
(2024-11-01, 02:48 AM)HLFadmin Wrote: The fatal error is triggered because the post that is made is missing a subject.
Which may be because the plugin did not initialize an entry in the table for the post subject.

Fix the first warning and try again to establish the welcome post.
The second language warning is not fatal, so if it does not exist, the place in the table wehere it appears will be simply blank.

Now I have the problem that it does not let me save the ‘bot’ and the welcome message. There are these new ‘errors'

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(2024-10-31, 11:45 AM)SELLECK87 Wrote: Unfortunately I don't understand much about php so I will definitely need your help Big Grin

I can understand some, mostly by reading code that is supposed to work. If it doesn't, I try to find examples of the same type in other parts of the code.

First thing is finding the line number that triggered the error so I know where to look.

First warning is line 214 undefined property. Code reads $form->end; which appears to try to close the form constructed in earlier lines.

A valuable tool I use for searching from command line on linux is, when the active directory is Upload folder of MyBB distribution files
>grep -r "$form->end" which reveals the admin code uses $form->end() in many places.

All I did was spot the typo in the original plugin code.

Looking again to the language file problem, looks like you'll want to add a line for
$lang->welcometopic_addtopic_description which is missing as well.
The warning message says lines 161 and 169 were the triggers.
because of the messages about missing language variables
The plugin only contains a Turkish language file, have you also uploaded this to your English or Italian language pack?
(2024-11-01, 06:53 AM)bv64 Wrote: because of the messages about missing language variables
The plugin only contains a Turkish language file, have you also uploaded this to your English or Italian language pack?

certainly. I put the languages in both the English and Italian folder Big Grin
good Wink I like to check for such careless mistakes first
I see that the language variables are really missing from the language pack; I'm really surprised that no one has noticed this for years

so create them!
(2024-11-01, 10:57 AM)bv64 Wrote: good Wink I like to check for such careless mistakes first
I see that the language variables are really missing from the language pack; I'm really surprised that no one has noticed this for years

so create them!

You are absolutely right, but come on, a few oversights can happen from time to time. Then from what I can see it is a plugin for mybb 1.4 and 1.6. I liked the idea of having it in the forum as well. I'll try now to create the variables and see what happens Big Grin
(2024-11-01, 03:00 AM)SELLECK87 Wrote: Now I have the problem that it does not let me save the ‘bot’ and the welcome message. There are these new ‘errors'
you can't save?
Warnings doesn't stop the script, so you should be able to save or there has to be an error and not a warning like you show
what happens if you try to save?
Before making the updates, I recommended saving the welcome message. The problem was that I was getting the fatal error during the final user registration.
Now I cannot save the bot or even the welcome message.
This thread gives a better idea of the limitations of the plugin when it was introduced.

Apparently it creates a welcome message for all new registrations, not after registrations approved. One complaint involved spammers welcome messages. The plugin can be modified to place the hooks in a different part of the registration process.

The thread is created by a named user, typically admin, in a designated forum, like Welcome New Members.

Maybe I will play around with this. There appears to be no difference between the attachment uploaded in the thread by xpserkan and the attachment in the Turkish forum referenced earlier by Hazel.

I'll have to load up a test forum platform before continuing much further. It's not a good idea to work on development code on a production forum. N'est ce pas? A development platform is easy to create. Same domain, use /forum2.

I will come back to this later. A tile floor needs to be installed first.
All I can do is thank you for your attention to this post.

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