Not Solved Mycodes and attachments stopped working after upgrade.
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The latest in my ongoing attempts to upgrade from 1.6.13 to 1.8.38:

After days of trying to update on the webserver, I finally gave up and took the backup and read it into a local linux machine and loaded myBB 1.8.38 and performed the update. Then I dumped the resulting SQL DB and reloaded it back into the web server. At first glance this seemed to work pretty good.

(I do recall being alarmed when I saw a message "Adding index files to attachment directories" but hoped for the best, because I think it was too late anyway.)

However, in the upgraded 1.8.38 version:

mycodes in posts don't work. ie: posts that used to be properly formatted are now displayed with [b][/size][/font] etc. showing.

Attachments seem gone - there are no indicators in the forum, and I see mycode-style text instead like:

Thank you for any clues.
Not Solved
which style do you use?

check for updated templates
ACP --> Templates --> Find Updated Templates

for mycodes specially check codebuttons template in the group "ungrouped templates" of your style

Link to your board?
Not Solved
I’m using the default Theme. My codebuttons template is original/reverted. I can’t find any templates left to revert. Oh, I notice no buttons for codes when posting either.

Oh that was weird. I just went to the options page for the BB codes. All the buttons were already set correctly, but I clicked "save settings", and everything code-related and attachment-related is working again! Phew!!!

Thanks! I’ll sleep better tonight with that fixed!
Not Solved
I think that was a problem with the cache

Nice to hear that it works

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