do you know any PHP?
basically all you need to do is do an SQL select from mybb threads, order by post date descending and limit 5.
then you can just use substr to shorten the lengths of the titles.
$mysqlserver = "localhost";
$mysqluser = "username";
$mysqlpassword = "password";
$mysqldb = "database";
$tableprefix = "mybb_";
$pathtoforums = "";
$threadquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `".$tableprefix."threads` ORDER BY `lastpost` DESC LIMIT 5");
while($thread = mysql_fetch_array($threadquery)){
$title = substr($thread['subject'],0,"18");
$title = $title."...";
echo "<a href="".$pathtoforums."showthread.php?tid=\"".$thread['tid']."\">".$title."</a>\r\n";
fill in the variables and its the most basic form of what you want. edit as you please.
i might have made a few errors while coding and is not tested.