User can't logout or logon.
Need some help. A user cannot logoff or logon to the board. If the person is logon, the board doesn't allow the person to logoff and vise versa. The problem was caused by the way I install RC3. I copy the data from RC2 to RC3 because I had problems with the RC3 upgrade this morning. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Cookies? maybe thaey have something to do with this problem?
As I mentioned in another thread about this, clear your cookies or delete the cookies for your copy of MyBB using your browser. This is due to a change in the cookie domain/path that was being used on your site.
I've clear all the cookies, temp files and did a cntl+F5 to refresh.
I still have the problem, but now I can't sign in.
I will continue on the other thread if you think it's the same problem.
I resolved the problem. It seems that it was also has to do with what you enter in 'board url' and 'cookie path' in the 'General Configuration'.

for example:

I use a subdomain.
board url ===>
cookie path ==> <blank - empty>

which is equivalent to
board url ===>
cookie path ==> /mybb/

without a subdomain.

Chris and Dale, thanks for your help.

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