PM Popup
I know it's already a known bug ( linkage ), but can the 'Alert me with a popup box when I receive a Private Message.' setting bug be fixed on the bored, cos it's annoying to have to check it, when it could be popping up :p im lazy
that's not a bug, thats an unexpected feature - Messenger Plus! SoundPack DB - Weird Fish
Dempsey Wrote:I know it's already a known bug ( linkage ), but can the 'Alert me with a popup box when I receive a Private Message.' setting bug be fixed on the bored, cos it's annoying to have to check it, when it could be popping up :p im lazy

Hi Dempsey,

Chris would have to have 'Programming' ethics, inasmuch, if he was to modify the original software that we are enjoying here (Wart's and All), he would be obliged to issue a 'New' or modified release.

Meaning we could end up with Release 4, 4.01, 4.02, 4.02b and so on.... and that would be a P.A.I.N.Toungue

You, no doubt have adjusted your forum software to address the problem... but this Forum, like all other source-forums, advise on changes to their software before major releases... it would not be ethical to change it "on-the-run".. Wink

Even still, i've changed it right now as there have been quite a few times when I've received several important PM's and haven't noticed them myself..
Hi Chris,

You're the Boss... and can do those things. Big GrinBig Grin

Not knowing anything about 'Gold'. Rolleyes

If it doesn't come with Email notification of a new PM, I might make that a project. Big Grin
Hey Ozidave,

there will be email notification for new pms. Wink

[Image: donation_drive_sig.png]
Ozidave Wrote:If it doesn't come with Email notification of a new PM, I might make that a project. Big Grin
theres a mod for that in RC4 and I beleieve it comes with MyBB Gold out of the box
that's not a bug, thats an unexpected feature - Messenger Plus! SoundPack DB - Weird Fish

(Ozi, Drags head out of bucket of sand) Big Grin

I must read more... But I think I'll wait until Gold is released, as it is pointless at this stage to be looking to modify anything else. Wink
Ozidave Wrote:Thank's,

(Ozi, Drags head out of bucket of sand) Big Grin

I must read more... But I think I'll wait until Gold is released, as it is pointless at this stage to be looking to modify anything else. Wink

You can try out the MyBB Gold front-end at my MyBB Gold Preview Site here:
Dennis Tsang
Former MyBB Team Member

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