Link missing that takes you from admin CP to the forum index
The link that takes you from "Admin CP" back to the forum index is missing

Please help
If you want the top bar back in the admin center open up admin/index.php and go to the very bottom of the file. Find:
	echo "<html>\n";
	echo "<head>\n";
	echo "<title>$lang->mybb_admin</title>\n";
	echo "</head>\n";
	echo "<frameset cols=\"200, *\" frameborder=\"no\" border=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"nav\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=navigation\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"body\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=home\">\n";
	echo "</frameset>\n";
	echo "</html>\n";
Replace with
	echo "<html>\n";
	echo "<head>\n";
	echo "<title>$lang->mybb_admin</title>\n";
	echo "</head>\n";
	echo "<frameset rows=\"22, *\" frameborder=\"no\" border=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"header\" noresize scrolling=\"no\" src=\"index.php?action=header\">\n";
	echo "<frameset cols=\"200, *\" frameborder=\"no\" border=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"nav\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=navigation\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"body\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=home\">\n";
	echo "</frameset>\n";
	echo "</frameset>\n";
	echo "</html>\n";
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
Thanks for that Matt Smile

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