Firefox lagging problem with site style
Not sure if it happens for anyone else but my firefox really lags when I'm on ... I think it might be something to do with the "shadowing" on the edges of the container. Just wondering if anyone else are having the same thing happen?
I dont seem to have a problem with it?, tried cleaning your cookies etc. i know its the obvious and sure you have already done it!
It's happening here too, but it hasn't happened before. Just today.
It seems fast enough here too, no lag time or anything.
Fine for me.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
It's gone here. It must have been a server fart. Toungue
Fine for me as well.
Quote: The Drunken One

I reckon Dale had had one too many brewskis. :p
lufbra Wrote:
Quote: The Drunken One

I reckon Dale had had one too many brewskis. :p

Pfff... not enough. Big Grin

I have cleared my cache and cookies and all that jazz and it's still a bit ram hungry / laggy when the page loads. Too bad I couldn't have an option other than Firefox's "No Style" option so I can just hide the shadow.

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