does mybb have spell check or a spell check plug in or what do we do for spelling?
I see no need for a spell checker. Firefox already has got one...
[Image: destroyerjf8.jpg]

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(2009-03-07, 03:07 PM)destroyer Wrote: I see no need for a spell checker. Firefox already has got one...

At work some people still use Ie5.

Yea but you should just learn to spell.....
I'm not here often, shoot a PM or whatever if you want my discord.

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Can you still feel the butterflies?

Free never tasted like pudding.
wow, was that hard to do, instead of making a thread about it.
Coming soon..
(2008-01-25, 04:12 PM)rcw Wrote: does mybb have spell check or a spell check plug in or what do we do for spelling?

If your host has GNU ASpell installed (most do) this works well, offers suggested spellings, and is easy to integrate into any PHP or Perl script.

You can test it on my MyBB board here:


Download the above from SourceForge, extract, and put the files in a directory off your MyBB install; e.g.,


Go to Admin-CP -> Templates & Styles -> Templates -> Default Templates (or template you want to modify)

Modify the following template files

* Edit Post Templates -> editpost
* New Reply Templates -> newreply
* New Thread Templates -> newthread
* Private Messaging Templates -> private_post

by including the following code just before the closing </head> tag:

<script src="speller/spellChecker.js"></script>
function openSpellChecker() {
	var speller = new spellChecker();

Note: The above code will check every text input and textarea input field on the page. If you want to control which fields are checked, see the index.html file included with the download.

In those same files, add this where you want the actual button located:

<input type="button" value="Check Spelling" onClick="openSpellChecker();"/>

For example, I put it at the bottom next to the post buttons; e.g.,

<div align="center">
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{$lang->update_post}" tabindex="3" />  
<input type="submit" class="button" name="previewpost" value="{$lang->preview_post}" tabindex="4" />
<input type="button" value="Check Spelling" onClick="openSpellChecker();"/>

It has been a while since I installed it, and I may have forgotton some things. If so, let me know.

Thanks for all the positive advice. I appreciate it very much. Big Grin

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