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[For 1.4] Afresh for 1.4 [Released]
Afresh for MyBB 1.4
The Afresh theme series is a set of beautiful yet simple themes for MyBB 1.4. The Afresh theme series comes in several different color variations, all based on the same simple layout. The Afresh theme series only modifies 9 templates.

At this time, 11 colors are available:
Click on the image to be taken to the theme information page on the MyBB Mods website.

[Image: black.png]

[Image: chocolate.png]

[Image: flame.png]

[Image: leaf.png]

[Image: midnight.png]

[Image: mint.png]

[Image: ocean.png]

[Image: orange.png]

[Image: pearl.png]

[Image: sky.png]

[Image: sun.png]

The Afresh theme series includes some unique features:
A brand new, clean concept for the welcome panel
[Image: 1.png]

Custom post buttons, giving a unique look
[Image: 2.png]

A cleaner, more organized page footer
[Image: 3.png]

All Themes in One Package
For your convenience, a package has been created that contains all of the current Afresh Themes. This package simply includes all other packages, and therefore you must upload and install each theme individually. Please consult the Read Me file included for each theme. Please be aware that by downloading this package, you agree to the license agreement included in the theme. Download All Afresh Themes (10 MB)

Please post questions and issues with these themes in this thread.

The Afresh themes were last updated December 29, 2008 - more information - MyBB lead designer & team member since 2006
Fantastic. Applause!

In one single day Mybb has just double it's stock.
i love the redesigned welcome box. im glad things are looking diffrent the mybb default look.
Are you an avatar movie fan?
[Image: avatarzd.png]
Awesome work Justin!

Thanks. Smile
Oha too much styles thanks for your great work hehe
[Image: mybbhackersrg4.gif]
Great themes! I just installed all of them on my board. Thing is when I installed the QuickTheme for 1.4 the footer looks like this. Is there any way to fix that?
Could you send me the source of your footer template in a PM? - MyBB lead designer & team member since 2006
Wow I love this theme! Especially the midnight colour one.

(2008-08-03, 04:15 AM)Snowman01 Wrote: Great themes! I just installed all of them on my board. Thing is when I installed the QuickTheme for 1.4 the footer looks like this. Is there any way to fix that?

It's like that only for admin though as he is the only member to see those stats.

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