[new] 2 column subforums for MyBB with CSS
Author: Blackinci

It is more useful than the plugin that it does. It doesnt run any MySQL quieries...

Please follow the steps which are below:
Admin CP=> Templates=> Edit/Delete=>The Theme that you use => Forumbit Templates => forumbit_depth3 Open:

Replace with:
<li>{$statusicon}<a href="forumdisplay.php?fid={$forum['fid']}">{$forum['name']}</a></li>

Admin CP=> Templates=> Edit/Delete=>The Theme that you use=>Forumbit Templates=> forumbit_subforums Open:
Replace with:
<br />{$lang->subforums}<br /><ul class="alt_forumlar">{$sub_forums}</ul>

Now, css codes are being added:

Admin CP=> Themes=> Edit/Delete=> Theme that you use => Additional CSS
.alt_forumlar {list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;}
.alt_forumlar li {width: 50%; float: left;}

That's all.

Original Post: http://www.blackinci.com/mybb/35-css-ile...linde.html
thanks arno. Wink (cellulari)
Wow! thnx Wink
also you can change "50%" in "alt_forumlar" class to build more than 2 columns.
put after ".alt_forumlar li {width:" result of this calculation:
100 / number of columns

for example with this code you have 3 columns:

.alt_forumlar li {width: 33%; float: left;} /* 100/3 = 33 */
Thx works great Smile
@saeedgh: Yes you can change width and there will be more than 2 column.

by the way, this is the original post: http://www.blackinci.com/mybb/35-css-ile...linde.html
Very nice Smile
[Image: jag100sigaf5.jpg]
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
it there any demo forum with this working?

nevermind I understand now

[Image: 1212096066_altforum.png]

Thanks for this tip
It would be great that you can chose wich subforums will be showed and wich one not.
I do not wanne show every subforums.
[Image: bannermybb.jpg]
(2008-06-04, 01:40 PM)spinning Wrote: It would be great that you can chose wich subforums will be showed and wich one not.
I do not wanne show every subforums.

it can be added a selection like "show on index page or forumbit" at forum editing in admin cp...

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