Not Solved emailenc.php
Not Solved
i get this problem
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/mmorpgsp/public_html/inc/plugins/emailenc.php on line 80

i cant find it heres the code in emailenc

heres the code


// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
	die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br 

/>Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");

$plugins->add_hook("newthread_do_newthread_start", "emailenc_new");
$plugins->add_hook("newreply_do_newreply_start", "emailenc_new");
$plugins->add_hook("datahandler_post_update", "emailenc_edit");
$plugins->add_hook("pre_output_page", "emailenc_indexjs");

function emailenc_info()
	return array(
		"name"			=> "Email Encryption (In Posts)",
		"description"	=> "This plugin encrypts email addresses 

found in posts using JavaScript so that spambots can't harvest them.",
		"website"		=> "",
		"author"		=> "MrDoom",
		"authorsite"	=> "",
		"version"		=> "1.1",

function emailenc_activate()
	// Add the custom MyCode [emailenc] tags.
	global $db, $cache;
	$replacement = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">makeEmail(\"$1\", 

\"\");</script><noscript> (Email address protected with JavaScript) 

	$mycodeadd = array(
				"title" => $db->escape_string("Email 

Encryption - Tag 1"),
				"description" => $db->escape_string("MyCode 

tag 1 for the \"Email Encryption (In Posts)\" Plugin. DO NOT delete this, 

disable the plugin instead"),
				"regex" => $db->escape_string("\[emailenc\]

				"replacement" => $db->escape_string

				"active" => $db->escape_string("yes")
	$db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."mycode", $mycodeadd);
	$replacement = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">makeEmail(\"$1\", 

\"$2\");</script><noscript> (Email address protected with JavaScript) 

	$mycodeadd = array(
				"title" => $db->escape_string("Email 

Encryption - Tag 2"),
				"description" => $db->escape_string("MyCode 

tag 2 for the \"Email Encryption (In Posts)\" Plugin. DO NOT delete this, 

disable the plugin instead"),
				"regex" => $db->escape_string("\[emailenc=

				"replacement" => $db->escape_string

				"active" => $db->escape_string("yes")
	$db->insert_query(TABLE_PREFIX."mycode", $mycodeadd);

function emailenc_deactivate()
	// Remove the custom MyCode [emailenc] tag.
	global $db, $cache;
	$db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."mycode", "title='Email Encryption - 

Tag 1'");
	$db->delete_query(TABLE_PREFIX."mycode", "title='Email Encryption - 

Tag 2'");

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Add in [emailenc] tags at the correct place in messages */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function emailenc_new() // Called when making a new thread or post
	global $mybb;
	$mybb->input['message'] = emailenc_do($mybb->input['message']);

function emailenc_edit($this) // Called after editing a post
	$this->post_update_data['message'] = emailenc_do($this-


function emailenc_do($message) // Called to add the [emailenc] tags before 

the message is put into the database.
	// First replace [email] tags in the message with [emailenc] tags. 

(Easy stuff first :P)
	$str = array('#\[email\](.*?)\[/email\]#ei', '#\[email=(.*?)\](.*?)

	$rep = array('emailenc_checkemail("$1", "$1")', 

'emailenc_checkemail("$1", "$2")');
	$message = preg_replace($str, $rep, $message);
	// Split the message at line breaks.
	$messageArray = explode("\\r\\n", $message);
	$count = count($messageArray);
	for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
		// Split the message at spaces to look for email addresses.
		$messageArray2 = explode(" ", $messageArray[$i]);
		$count2 = count($messageArray2);
		for($j = 0; $j < $count2; $j++)
			// Check if we have an email address

+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+$/si", $messageArray2[$j]))
				$messageArray2[$j] = 

		$messageArray[$i] = implode(" ", $messageArray2);
	$message = implode("\\r\\n", $messageArray);
	return $message;

function emailenc_ordemail($str)
	$ordkey = 128; $ord = "";
	for($i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
		$ord .= ord($str[$i]) + $ordkey;
		if($i < strlen($str) - 1) { $ord .= ","; }
	return $ord;

function emailenc_checkemail($part1, $part2)

-]+$/si", $part1))
		if($part1 == $part2) { return 

'[emailenc]'.emailenc_ordemail($part1).'[/emailenc]'; }
		else { return '[emailenc='.emailenc_ordemail

($part1).']'.$part2.'[/emailenc]'; }
	else { return $part1; }

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

/* Remove [emailenc] tags at the correct place in messages */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 

function emailenc_undo($message)
	//Replace [emailenc] tags in the message with [email] tags.
	$str = array('#\[emailenc\](.*?)\[/emailenc\]#ei', '#\[emailenc=

	$rep = array('emailenc_checkemail2("$1", "$1")', 

'emailenc_checkemail2("$1", "$2")');
	$message = preg_replace($str, $rep, $message);
	return $message;

function emailenc_checkemail2($part1, $part2)
	if($part1 == $part2) { return '[email]'.emailenc_chremail

($part1).'[/email]'; }
	else { return '[email='.emailenc_chremail

($part1).']'.$part2.'[/email]'; }

function emailenc_chremail($str)
	$chr = ""; $chrArray = explode(",", $str);
	$count = count($chrArray);
	for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
	{ $chr .= chr($chrArray[$i] - 128); }
	return $chr;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Put the JavaScript into the <head></head> tags */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
function emailenc_indexjs($page)
	$page = str_replace("</head>", "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"> 

// \"E-mail address protection: Javascript\" function by Adrian Kousz -\nfunction maildec

(encoded, key, emailenc) { var part1='ma'; var part2='ilto'; 

window.location.href = part1+part2+':'+emailenc; }\nfunction makeEmail

(encoded2, part2) { var encoded3 = \"\";  for(var j=0; j<encoded2.length; 

j++) { if(encoded2.charAt(j) != \" \") { encoded3 = encoded3 + 

encoded2.charAt(j); } } var encoded = encoded3.split(\",\"); var key = 128; 

var emailenc=''; for (var i=0;i<encoded.length;i++) { emailenc=emailenc+

(String.fromCharCode(encoded[i]^key)) } if(part2 == \"\") { document.write

('<a href=\"javascript:maildec(\''+encoded+'\', '+key+', \''+emailenc+'\')

\">'+emailenc+'</a>'); } else { document.write('<a 

href=\"javascript:maildec(\''+encoded+'\', '+key+', \''+emailenc+'\')

\">'+part2+'</a>'); } } \n</script>\n</head>", $page);
	return $page;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Modifying existing posts when turned on and off */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
function emailenc_addemailenc()
	// Check the existing posts for email addresses and update as 

	global $db;
	$result = $db->query("SELECT pid, message FROM 

	while($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
		$message = $db->escape_string(emailenc_do($row['message']));
		if($message != $row['message'])
			$db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts SET 

message='$message' WHERE pid='".$row['pid']."'");

function emailenc_delemailenc()
	// Check the existing posts for email addresses and update as 

	global $db;
	$result = $db->query("SELECT pid, message FROM 

	while($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
		$message = $db->escape_string(emailenc_undo($row

		if($message != $row['message'])
			$db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts SET 

message='$message' WHERE pid='".$row['pid']."'");

Not Solved
Just mention the pluginname ... not pasted the whole code. And if you paste code, put it in between proper tags, such as code or php.


Was gonna test this plugin; but it seems like screwing up my posts ^^ If i enter a email in a post; it returns this (see code box) and even the post buttons, such as delete, quote ... are vanished; I can't even see my quickreply + footer anymore =D
<script type="text/javascript">makeEmail("244,229,243,244,192,232,239,244,237,225,233,236,174,227,239,237", "");</script>

-deactivates plugin- ^^
Not Solved
You know, I never check in this forum. That's why I tell people to use my support thread since I get an email when people post in it.

Are you using PHP5? I know it has some issues with PHP5 and they're pretty major. In short, you really shouldn't be using this since I stopped updating it some while ago and won't be updating it to 1.4.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.

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