Not Solved Editing The Header Links?
Not Solved

I have just installed your forums on my website...however i have encountered a problem

the links on all the pages:

Login | Register| Member List| Search | Help |

They all point to the wrong file placement for my forums..

its supposed to be

forum/upload/login.php and so on... as well with the rest..but instead if is just

login.php and memberslist.php and so on, so it doesnt direct itself to the proper file. How or where can I change these settings. thanks for your help LOVE your board.

Ryan Thompson

Not Solved
Settings -> Change -> General Configuration -> Modify Settings -> Board URL

[edit]Was it really necessary to double post?
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
Not Solved
Sorry i didnt mean to double post, i just thought that coding was a more appropriate category to be under. Also im wondering, how can I edit out the hardcoded stuff..
Not Solved
I won't hold it over your head for double posting... at least not the first time Wink What "hardcoded stuff" are you talking about?
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
Not Solved
Not Solved
Use the template editor in the admin. center. I'm not familiar with which templates control what but "css" might have some of the table widths.
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
Not Solved
there is a template editor? where do I get that from
Not Solved
It's default in the software.

Go to Admin CP -> Templates -> Modify/Delete.
Do NOT PM me for Support!
Not Solved
You can also edit some table properties in the themes section of the admin cp, such as the main page width and the content table width.

ACP -> Themes -> Modify / Delete -> *Theme Name*

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