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[F] Duplicate session key in insert SQL with spider bot
MyBB 1.4.2, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0

I can see multiple errors in error_log:
        <friendly_type>MyBB SQL Error</friendly_type>
        <message>SQL Error: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'bot=1' for key 1
                        INTO mybb_sessions (`sid`,`time`,`ip`,`location`,`userag
                        VALUES ('bot=1','1222353771','','/showthread.php?tid=48623','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Google 
Wireless Transcoder;)','20','48623','0')

        <friendly_type>MyBB SQL Error</friendly_type>
        <message>SQL Error: 1062 - Duplicate entry 'bot=1' for key 1
                        INTO mybb_sessions (`sid`,`time`,`ip`,`location`,`useragent`,`location1`,`location2`,`nopermission`) 
                        VALUES ('bot=1','1222353990','','/showthread.php?tid=111496&amp;pid=837618','Mediapartners-Google','18','111496','0')

It should not happen, because in session->create_session() we have a delete_query()... but it happens. I cannot reproduce it even when simulating GoogleBot with spoofed useragent.

Just reproduced with Firefox + spoofed agent (Alexa) + many tabs + many reloads. It happens on high load - multiple requests from one bot. Probably between the delete_query() in create_session() and insert_query() other thread inserts his own bot record.

Possible solution for MySQL - use INSERT IGNORE or REPLACE. In file db_mysql.php FIND:
	function insert_query($table, $array)
			return false;
		$fields = "`".implode("`,`", array_keys($array))."`";
		$values = implode("','", $array);
			INTO {$this->table_prefix}{$table} (".$fields.") 
			VALUES ('".$values."')
		return $this->insert_id();
	function insert_query($table, $array, $ignore = FALSE)
			return false;
		$fields = "`".implode("`,`", array_keys($array))."`";
		$values = implode("','", $array);
		// KK: multiple_bots_race_condition_in_inserting_sessions_bug
			INSERT " . ($ignore ? ' IGNORE ' : '') . "
			INTO {$this->table_prefix}{$table} (".$fields.") 
			VALUES ('".$values."')
		return $this->insert_id();
In file class_session.php FIND:
		$onlinedata['location1'] = intval($speciallocs['1']);
		$onlinedata['location2'] = intval($speciallocs['2']);
		$onlinedata['nopermission'] = 0;
		$db->insert_query("sessions", $onlinedata);
		$this->sid = $onlinedata['sid'];
		$this->uid = $onlinedata['uid'];
		$onlinedata['location1'] = intval($speciallocs['1']);
		$onlinedata['location2'] = intval($speciallocs['2']);
		$onlinedata['nopermission'] = 0;
		// KK: multiple_bots_race_condition_in_inserting_sessions_bug
		$db->insert_query("sessions", $onlinedata, TRUE);
		$this->sid = $onlinedata['sid'];
		$this->uid = $onlinedata['uid'];
- So... Maybe you shouldn't have hacked it.
- And why don't you try not breathing. Hurts, dunnit. (
using IGNORE isn't a very good fix. I'm not sure if it's supported in either MySQL versions either. Might want to look into REPLACE to fix it
Could you try this instead?
In inc/class_session.php, find $db->insert_query and replace with $db->replace_query

(2008-09-27, 01:05 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Could you try this instead?
In inc/class_session.php, find $db->insert_query and replace with $db->replace_query
Sure. It should resolve this problem (in a cleaner way - it do not require changing DB class - I did not saw replace_query() method). Thanks.
- So... Maybe you shouldn't have hacked it.
- And why don't you try not breathing. Hurts, dunnit. (
Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.

With regards,
MyBB Group

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