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[F] url with brackets [C-Michael83]
A user had an idea that could be a workaround for this issue: We could add an additional regex so that you can use quotation marks inside the url tags:
        $standard_mycode['url_bracket']['regex'] = "#\[url=\"([a-z]+?://)(.+?)\"\](.+?)\[/url\]#esi";
        $standard_mycode['url_bracket']['replacement'] = "\$this->mycode_parse_url(\"$1$2\", \"$3\")";

        $standard_mycode['url_bracket2']['regex'] = "#\[url=\"(.+?)\"\](.+?)\[/url\]#esi";
        $standard_mycode['url_bracket2']['replacement'] = "\$this->mycode_parse_url(\"$1\", \"$3\")"; 
[Image: donation_drive_sig.png]

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