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[F] Calendar: Week view problem [C-Chris]
If you want to open the week view of a week before 1970 or after 2014 you get a 404 error.

1. Go to

2. Click on the arrows in the left column to open the view of the first week.
[Image: donation_drive_sig.png]
Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.

With regards,
MyBB Group
Changeset #4249

The 404 error still appears (if url rewriting is enabled). I think there's a problem with the rule in the .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^calendar-([0-9]+)-week-([0-9]+).html calendar.php?action=weekview&calendar=$1&week=$2 [L,QSA]
Only numeric arguments are allowed but there's a "n" in the url: .../calendar-1-week-n172800.html
[Image: donation_drive_sig.png]
Ah blah - I didn't have seo urls enabled on my localhost
Okay, it should be fixed in the SVN soon

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