2010-05-05, 05:12 AM
(2010-05-04, 10:40 PM)Sunsettommy Wrote: I think I now understand what this is about.
Quote:This part can be a bit tricky for newbies!
Rename your index.php to forums.php or something else you might like!
Now rename portal.php to index.php and leave it as is!
I go to the cPANEL> to Legacy File manager> to Forums> click on index.php. then rename the file to forums.php.
Then I go to portal.php click on it and then rename the file to index.php.
After that I go to the NEW index.php (was portal.php) file to make the next changes as shown below:
Open your new index.php file and find
add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_portal, "portal.php");
and replace it with
add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_portal, "index.php");
Next find
redirect("portal.php", $lang->redirect_loggedin);
And replace it with
redirect("index.php", $lang->redirect_loggedin);
Did I get it correctly?
Yes, that is how it's done, I would have replied sooner but I work a lot and have morning classes over here.
You can't make those changes in your ACP
But yes, your second try was correct.
when people visit your site your portal should show up as your home page.