Thanks for releasing it for public, Tomm Smile
awesome Smile
thanks a million
do you have a working demo of mynetwork
(2011-05-08, 10:06 AM)adbrad Wrote: do you have a working demo of mynetwork
MyNetwork Core 1.1 is just about ready. I'm hoping to get it out this week - alongside Profile System Beta 2 which comes with Activity Wall.
I've always been a fan of MyNetwork Smile Glad to hear 1.1 is on the way.

Also, do usual plugins work with the profile system or do you have to do some editing? I know advanced profile is pretty difficult to get other plugins to work with it.
Unfortunately no plugin that hooks into the profile will work with MyNetwork's Profile System - it's a challenge I've been playing with and every time I get a breakthrough there's another plugin that breaks! Sleepy

If you're a user of the Profile System and desperately want a plugin to work with it, I'll happily work with you to integrate it.
No problem - I was just thinking that while I'm re-writing one of my plugins, I'd make it work with the profile system now that it's approaching a full release.
That sounds cool! The Activity feature for the Profile System demonstrates how to plugin into the module - it's a bit like the "Hello World" plugin for MyBB.
All right, thanks! Figured I might as well add support for it now rather than go back and do it later Smile

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