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[release] ColoRanks V3.5
Hey infranight, if you'd like I could help you with the yellow ones if you send me the PSD..
[Image: logo.png]
Nah, it's ok.
Anyways, don't have the PSD for them Toungue
I don't rely purely on PhotoShop, it's my new challenge.
I make what I call "base images" then I put text on them.

Ok, I'll release v1.2 with Yellow, Greyish-Silver and Light Blue soon!
(Not 'til after Wednesday, unless I work fast. Vacation Big Grin)
Sorry for the delay!
I've uploaded the 1.2 version!
It comes with yellow, light blue, and the grey gradient.
Take a look at grey, it's my favorite so far.
Very good work!Smile

On another note, you said you wouldn't mind doing some custom ones for me - correct? If so, and you wouldn't mind, drop me a PM and we'll discuss it. - Tom
Ok, no problem.
Ok, ColoRanks updated to Version 2.0!
Official support site to be announced soon.
I can't waitBig Grin
Lol, I don't know why I even made it.
It's going to have a rank generator (developing) and a demo page.
A rank generator? You mean like it'll generate images? If so, I will love you!Smile
Yeah, you can type in text and pick background and voila.
But you need to save it yourself.

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