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Mybb Diagnostics Troubleshooting Tool
is there a way to permission this ONLY so that administrators can see it?
This is an ADMIN mod man.. cool..

Really nice job bro.
Brilliant release labrocca. This will certainly help out those users who have trouble seeking this type of information
[Image: jag100sigaf5.jpg]
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
This is definetly something that should come with MyBB
All my plugins are available for free at MyBB Extend and on my GitHub. has been closed and none of my plugins are officially maintained or supported.
(2009-07-06, 09:08 AM)Jag100 Wrote: Brilliant release labrocca. This will certainly help out those users who have trouble seeking this type of information

I agree. Great job with this plugin Labrocca.
[Image: sig.gif]

Contact me in private only if you need paid help with mybb-related issues. Otherwise, please don''t, unless I invite you to. Thanks Smile
(2009-07-05, 08:06 AM)Psinetic Wrote: is there a way to permission this ONLY so that administrators can see it?
I'd prefer this two - I don't want to give infos about my CHMOD and SQL to anybody to be honest.
Of course it wouldn't be usefull for MyBB staff to have it hidden eighter... difficult to solve.

(2009-07-06, 09:32 AM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: This is definetly something that should come with MyBB
I agree Smile

Nice work labrocca, one thing I would like to suggest is adding the version number of MyBB to it (didn't see it on the screenshot).

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
My Company - I am Microsoft Certified in HTML5, CSS3 and JS
(2009-05-09, 08:42 PM)frostschutz Wrote: Not sure if this is the right place to go, but anyway... in the last couple of days I came across several people who had issues with MyBB because in some file, there was either whitespace or tabs or (very evil) an UTF-8 byte order mark outside of <?php ?>. Due to the nature of PHP (supposed to be embedded into HTML), anything that is not within <?php ?> will automatically end up in the output (unless it's just a simple newline after ?> or something).

Anyhow, I wrote a small plugin that walks through all the PHP files and checks wether it correctly begins with <?php and ends with ?>. It does this when you click 'activate'. It's not very end user friendly (you still have to check the files it lists as fail manually), and the output is very ugly, but if there is to be a general diagnostics tool, maybe this is a functionality that should go in there as well, since it's very hard to debug where unwanted stuff in the output came from...

This plugin was a great help. Thanks
Thank you for your excellent tool Smile
I found some FAIL there:
FAIL ('/' does not end with '?>')
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)
FAIL ('/' starts with <?php [NO NEWLINE])
FAIL ('/' does not start with <?php)

The question I have is how we can correct them? I've tried to open for example "printthread.lang.php" which says "does not start with <?php" and I've found it starts with "<?php".I wrote a new one from scratch and save it again fresh and upon execution of dirwalk again it shows FAIL.

Can you explain what "does not start with <?php" means?
Can you explain what "starts with <?php [NO NEWLINE]" means?
And overall how can we correct these problems?

Thank you in advance
Upload fresh copies of the files from MyBB.

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