Need help- photo gallery.
So. I have developed a photo uploading system, and I can do the same for videos as well.
It work perfectly and uploads files to a dedicated folder. I have also created a commenting system.

Now I need someone with skill to help me from here. I need someone to help me make this work with MyBB and member integration, etc...
All the files currently go to the dedicated folder, but don't create a page like /pgallery.php?action=pid&pid=PICNUMBER.

So to shorten this up, I need to bridge my comments and my uploader to MyBB. Anyone up for a good challenge? lol. If you are, you need to know how to run sql queries in phpmyadmin, and the comments need to have their own mysql database. I'll put together a zip file with everything you need to expand on. The more people on this the better!
No one wants to help? lol.
Heres the upload and comments:


[Image: subscribe.png]
What are you after someone to help code your uploading script into mybb?
(2009-04-05, 03:45 PM)Aaron Wrote: What are you after someone to help code your uploading script into mybb?

Yeah. I know you making a photo gallery without comments, I can help you out if you want? Can members upload to your gallery? I have the comments script, but the comments require a mysql DB.
[Image: subscribe.png]
Did you write Php backend allready?
It should be quite easy to bridge this with MyBB, look into the basic site integration thread I made under discussion+support.

If I can support you with anything let me know (write me an email), I integrated my own commenting and pic uploading script with MyBB allready.

Regards and good luck
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