This user has been denied support.
Excellent Tom.. Thank you very much.
Yes, making this a plugin it worth it, i know a few other mybb board owners that also want this.
I will add this change tonight, Nice work!
Sorry Tom, i don't have all that code in my orumdisplay_thread template
Here is what i have
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}" width="2%"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$folder}.gif" alt="{$folder_label}" title="{$folder_label}" /></td>
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}" width="2%">{$icon}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}">
<span>{$prefix} {$gotounread}<a href="{$thread['threadlink']}" class="{$inline_edit_class} {$new_class}" id="tid_{$inline_edit_tid}">{$thread['subject']}</a>{$thread['multipage']}</span>
<!-- authornamewashere -->
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}">{$thread['profilelink']}</td> <td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}"><a href="javascript:MyBB.whoPosted({$thread['tid']});">{$thread['replies']}</a>{$unapproved_posts}</td>
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}">{$thread['views']}</td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: right;">
<span class="lastpost smalltext">{$lastpostdate} {$lastposttime}<br />
<a href="{$thread['lastpostlink']}">{$lang->lastpost}</a>: {$lastposterlink}</span>
Don't forget i have that "Classic Author Column" plugin installed, so i am betting it changed things.
Wondering if the forumdisplay.php was changed to?
Here is a pic of what my threads look like with the "Classic Author Column" plugin.
Thanks, waiting for your input