Ok, so tried simply installing it, and using the (backed up) database when asked to put database info in.
got this:
Connection to the database server and table you specified was successful.
Database Engine: MySQL 5.1.30
The MyBB database tables will now be created.
Creating table mybb_adminlog...done
Creating table mybb_adminoptions...done
Creating table mybb_adminsessions...done
Creating table mybb_announcements...done
Creating table mybb_attachments...done
Creating table mybb_attachtypes...done
Creating table mybb_awaitingactivation...done
Creating table mybb_badwords...done
Creating table mybb_banned...done
Creating table mybb_captcha...done
Creating table mybb_datacache...done
Creating table mybb_events...done
Creating table mybb_favorites...done
Creating table mybb_forumpermissions...done
Creating table mybb_forums...done
Creating table mybb_forumsubscriptions...done
Creating table mybb_groupleaders...done
Creating table mybb_helpdocs...done
Creating table mybb_helpsections...done
Creating table mybb_icons...done
Creating table mybb_joinrequests...done
Creating table mybb_mailqueue...done
Creating table mybb_moderatorlog...done
Creating table mybb_moderators...done
Creating table mybb_modtools...done
Creating table mybb_mycode...done
Creating table mybb_polls...done
Creating table mybb_pollvotes...done
Creating table mybb_posts...done
Creating table mybb_privatemessages...done
Creating table mybb_profilefields...done
Creating table mybb_reportedposts...done
Creating table mybb_reputation...done
Creating table mybb_searchlog...done
Creating table mybb_sessions...done
Creating table mybb_settinggroups...done
Creating table mybb_settings...done
Creating table mybb_smilies...done
Creating table mybb_templategroups...done
Creating table mybb_templates...done
Creating table mybb_templatesets...done
Creating table mybb_themes...done
Creating table mybb_threadratings...done
Creating table mybb_threads...done
Creating table mybb_threadsread...done
Creating table mybb_userfields...done
Creating table mybb_usergroups...done
Creating table mybb_users...done
Creating table mybb_usertitles...done
All tables have been created, click Next to populate them.
so it just wrote over everything.. checked my board after install and it is empty - a brand new board.
I still have the database backed up - what other approach can i take?