Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago lost everything - still have database from 1.2
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Hey guys,

ABout 6 months ago someone managed to get into my cpanel and erased everything I had.

I lost 1000's of hours work.. and I kind of gave up for awhile - but now I'm trying to rebuild some of my sites.

I have a mybb database that I'd like to restore - I believe it is from the 1.2 days..

Can anyone guide me in the right direction? I'd like to use my database with a fresh installation of mybb 1.4

thanks in advance Smile
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Okay here is what you do. First download 1.2 and upload it to local host or to your site.
Then import the date base to the site.
Upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 and you got it up.
Okay here is what you do. First download 1.2 and upload it to local host or to your site.
Then import the date base to the site.
Upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 and you got it up.
I'm not here often, shoot a PM or whatever if you want my discord.
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
thanks for the response.

can i go ahead and follow the /install procedure?

I'm worried that will simply overwrite the database
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
If you are worried create a new one, and merge it after. Or ask a member to do it for you.
I'm not here often, shoot a PM or whatever if you want my discord.
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Ok, so tried simply installing it, and using the (backed up) database when asked to put database info in.

got this:
Connection to the database server and table you specified was successful.

Database Engine: MySQL 5.1.30

The MyBB database tables will now be created.
Creating table mybb_adminlog...done
Creating table mybb_adminoptions...done
Creating table mybb_adminsessions...done
Creating table mybb_announcements...done
Creating table mybb_attachments...done
Creating table mybb_attachtypes...done
Creating table mybb_awaitingactivation...done
Creating table mybb_badwords...done
Creating table mybb_banned...done
Creating table mybb_captcha...done
Creating table mybb_datacache...done
Creating table mybb_events...done
Creating table mybb_favorites...done
Creating table mybb_forumpermissions...done
Creating table mybb_forums...done
Creating table mybb_forumsubscriptions...done
Creating table mybb_groupleaders...done
Creating table mybb_helpdocs...done
Creating table mybb_helpsections...done
Creating table mybb_icons...done
Creating table mybb_joinrequests...done
Creating table mybb_mailqueue...done
Creating table mybb_moderatorlog...done
Creating table mybb_moderators...done
Creating table mybb_modtools...done
Creating table mybb_mycode...done
Creating table mybb_polls...done
Creating table mybb_pollvotes...done
Creating table mybb_posts...done
Creating table mybb_privatemessages...done
Creating table mybb_profilefields...done
Creating table mybb_reportedposts...done
Creating table mybb_reputation...done
Creating table mybb_searchlog...done
Creating table mybb_sessions...done
Creating table mybb_settinggroups...done
Creating table mybb_settings...done
Creating table mybb_smilies...done
Creating table mybb_templategroups...done
Creating table mybb_templates...done
Creating table mybb_templatesets...done
Creating table mybb_themes...done
Creating table mybb_threadratings...done
Creating table mybb_threads...done
Creating table mybb_threadsread...done
Creating table mybb_userfields...done
Creating table mybb_usergroups...done
Creating table mybb_users...done
Creating table mybb_usertitles...done

All tables have been created, click Next to populate them.

so it just wrote over everything.. checked my board after install and it is empty - a brand new board.

I still have the database backed up - what other approach can i take?

Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
How important is this to you? If you need this done in a timely manner and done right send me a PM for a quote. It won't be a lot. I would need to know size of database (posts, members, megabytes).
Solved: 14 Years, 4 Months ago
As long as you have a fresh installation of 1,2 and you're backup you can just drop the existing tables and run the backup as a query. If the database details are still the same then it should work. Then all you need to do is upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4.
Thanks, Polarbear541

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