adding some PHP
Oh! I almost forgot, I need to add this


after the </html> tag
[Image: guillaume.lafrance.png]
[Image: gmail.png]
It seems chris didn't see this thread... Sad
[Image: guillaume.lafrance.png]
[Image: gmail.png]
Speaking for myself, I thought this was resolved but that has to with me not knowing French. If he doesn't know French (which I'm pretty sure he doesn't) then he could have thought the same thing Toungue
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
... what should we do to get his attention?
[Image: guillaume.lafrance.png]
[Image: gmail.png]
Well, you can just leave the thread and not doube post. I too thought the issue was resolved.

That include code can go in functions.php, search for this:
	if($settings['gzipoutput'] != "no")
		$contents = gzipencode($contents, $settings['gziplevel']);
	echo $contents;

And under it add:

You will also have to edit:
	global $db, $querytime, $debug, $templatecache, $templatelist, $htmldoctype, $mybb, $mybbuser, $maintimer, $globaltime, $settings, $mybbgroup;

Replacing it with:
[code]	global $db, $querytime, $debug, $templatecache, $templatelist, $htmldoctype, $mybb, $mybbuser, $maintimer, $globaltime, $settings, $mybbgroup, $DOCUMENT_ROOT;

For that bit to work too Wink
I still can't get the page generated in number seconds
[Image: guillaume.lafrance.png]
[Image: gmail.png]
Add <debugstuff> to the footer template and it should show stuff like..

Generated in 0.1154369 seconds (54.53% PHP / 45.47% MySQL)
MySQL Queries: 14 / Parsing 0.0006828 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0765460
PHP version: 4.3.7 / Server Load: 0.17 / GZip Compression: Enabled
[advanced details]

to the bottom of your pages.

I'm assuming thats what you're after..
can i center that?
[Image: guillaume.lafrance.png]
[Image: gmail.png]
Why not try this?
<div style="text-align: center;"><debugstuff></div>
Scott Hough || The Vintage Gamers

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