Steam status

I have seen the Skype status bar.

Is it possible to get one of these with Steam? So people can see whenver I am online on Steam, in my posts.

Any feedbacks are appreciated and the script is VERY appreciated.

- realchamp.
Does steam provide some embedd code somewhere for usual homepage?
Are there any example homepages that do use something like that?
My Company - I am Microsoft Certified in HTML5, CSS3 and JS
I've seen a couple APIs out there, but many are closed-source or they are outdated and no longer parse the correct data. I'll look in to it more.
[Image: 422.png]
I have a simple little signature generator for steam that shows if youre online, the game youre playing, etc. all it needs is one php file and aone image. contact me at [email protected] if you want it.
#5 ??
Sorry for my english, I'm from Poland. Smile
MyBB themes for SMS


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