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[UPDATED][SEO] Simple TagCloud Plugin for myBB v 0.9a - Tag Cloud (beta)
Wen i try to Activate i get this error:

This plugin is incompatible with MyBB 1601
(2010-11-06, 11:55 AM)Maj Wrote: Manu01 open stcp.php find:

'compatibility' => '14*'

and change it to

'compatibility' => '16*'
many thx
I've been used, and it's quite good.
However, I realize that, we could deleted the tags directly at the "Tags bar" of each threads. Why we couldn't "EDIT" it as the same position. It's will be simple more and more.

If possible. Does anyone show me how to do. Thanks you very much!
Well ~~ I've used this for 3 days and realized, if we make tag for some thread in private forums, people will be ABLE to see it ~ 8-}
I get this error
"This plugin is incompatible with MyBB 1602"
Hi, first thanks a lot for this plugin, I've been thinking for a while why this isn't already part of mybb.

When it creates the tags automatically from the title, I can't delete the tags, it says:

"The requested URL /delspectag=Ignorado was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

The url it tries to reach is:

I have added the following to my .htaccess

RewriteRule ^tag/([^/]+)$ tags.php?tag=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^ask/([^/]+)$ tags.php?sear=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tag/([^/]+)/([^-/]+)$ tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tagsitemap.xml$ tags.php?sitemap=1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tagsitemap-page-([^/]+).xml$ tags.php?sitemap=1&spage=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^deletetags=([^/]+)$ tags.php?deltags=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^delspectag=([^/]+)&delspectagtid=([^/]+)$ tags.php?delspectag=$1&delspectagtid=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^tag/$ tags.php [L,QSA]

Other url's of the plugin, such as delete all tags for a post, work fine.

Another question, how do I edit the tags of a post while writing it? Or afterwards?
Also, how do I deactivate some tags from the tag cloud?
There are many words in portuguese, like adverbs, etc, which are been indexed.
It would be good if you could delete a tag from all posts.
My Tags plugin for version 1.6.2 I need.

My Simple TagCloud (beta) (0.9a)
I installed but when I activate
It gives an error

1146 - Table 'nia_forum.mybb_stcp' doesn't exist
SELECT tag_name, tag_amount FROM mybb_stcp WHERE tag_name! = '** GLOBAL **' ORDER BY RAND () LIMIT 100

I am grateful to Help.

this plugin have many many bugs, so i suggest not to use it till author fix them
on the plugin page, when the "Add Tags to all threads" link click how can I setup for the manuel. I want to setup my own forums.
I added to setting "smfnotag" and to tags.php

I added below code.
$notag = explode(",",$mybb->settings['smtfnotag']);

Can I use (in_array($fid,$notag) code? if yes how can I use? where can I add this code?

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