I can access the cpanel Smile
[Image: destroyerjf8.jpg]

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Pls Download again a new package of ur translated language
upload it to ./inc/language

This should fix it Smile


destroyer Wrote:I can access the cpanel Smile
uploading with cpanel is a bit dificult. but you can do it .
just go to "File Manager" and find your destination directory and extract images into it.
zaher's post help you too.
OK, I'll try it now.

Thanks in advance.

Btw, how can I delete the reputation-part via the controlpanel?
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Hmm, I don't see a file manager.

Where can I find that?
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reputation part of mybb? did you mean reputation.php file?
in case u mean u want to remove it from the postbit.
go to

Admin Cp >tempaltes > modify/delete > expand > post bit templates > postbit

and delete


also remove thereputation-bit in the usercp template

for the uploading problem
use an ftp manager , it's easier for u (e.g. ws_ftp)

Yeah, thanks.

I know it of the ftp-prog. But I don't have ftp-access..

only control panel.

How can I do it from there?
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Oh? I remember a setting for "use reutation system" but i can not finding it now.
now iam not sure that is this option in mybb or not :-s :-&
Also, I don't see any 'postbit' :s
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