[TUTORIAL]Integrate Twitter Logins with MyBB
Admin CP >> Configuration >> Custom Profile Fields

yeah but more fields


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Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
(2010-02-27, 08:19 PM)Walkman 5.0 Wrote: how add custom profile fields to the Twitter login ??


Is that a question about the profile fields part of the tutorial or do you want certain fields set during Twitter registration?
http://Screeze.com - A fun general discussions forum. Login using Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live or normally.

Utilize Twitter logins on your own board.
mmm i need add member_register_requiredfields to this form
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
(2010-02-27, 09:01 PM)Walkman 5.0 Wrote: mmm i need add member_register_requiredfields to this form

I will look into this later but doesn't adding more fields during the Twitter registration remove the point of using it in place of normal registration?
http://Screeze.com - A fun general discussions forum. Login using Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live or normally.

Utilize Twitter logins on your own board.

give me an error

Array ( [0] => No has introducido una opción para el campo "Sexo". Por favor, rellénalo o selecciona un valor para este campo. [1] => No has introducido una opción para el campo "Localizacion". Por favor, rellénalo o selecciona un valor para este campo. )


Array ( [0] => You did not enter an option for the field "Sex". Please, fill it or select a value for this field. [1] => You did not enter an option for the field "Location". Please, fill it or select a value for this field.
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
If you change those fields to not be required(as they shouldn't be by default) you won't error.
http://Screeze.com - A fun general discussions forum. Login using Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live or normally.

Utilize Twitter logins on your own board.
but i need this fields as required Confused
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
If you look at callback.php you will find the following code:
$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid13='".$twtoken."' WHERE ufid=$scrid");
	$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid14='$twsecret' WHERE ufid=$scrid");
		$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid15='1' WHERE ufid=$scrid");

You can use this as an example on how to set any profile field during registration. You can set Location for example, which for me is ID 1 like this:
$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid1='Somewhere' WHERE ufid=$scrid");

If you wanted the user to be able to edit the field instead of it having a default value, you could add another field to the form in the username selection template, then replace "Somewhere" with $_POST['location'] or something similar(of course you should do security checks instead of just the post variable, but that's the general idea.
http://Screeze.com - A fun general discussions forum. Login using Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live or normally.

Utilize Twitter logins on your own board.
thanks afrothunder for these tutorials that I have long wanted to have on my forum, but I also have the same problem as walkman ...

thank you very much!

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