2010-02-27, 09:35 PM
(2010-02-27, 09:23 PM)afrothunder Wrote: If you look at callback.php you will find the following code:
$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid13='".$twtoken."' WHERE ufid=$scrid"); $db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid14='$twsecret' WHERE ufid=$scrid"); $db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid15='1' WHERE ufid=$scrid");
You can use this as an example on how to set any profile field during registration. You can set Location for example, which for me is ID 1 like this:
$db->query("UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid1='Somewhere' WHERE ufid=$scrid");
If you wanted the user to be able to edit the field instead of it having a default value, you could add another field to the form in the username selection template, then replace "Somewhere" with $_POST['location'] or something similar(of course you should do security checks instead of just the post variable, but that's the general idea.
dont work :/
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