[TUTORIAL]Integrate Windows Live Logins with MyBB
Hello! Smile Thanks for this awesome tutorial!!!
However, I have a problem Sad when I go to - https://login.live.com/wlogin.srf?appid= APPLICATION ID &alg=wsignin1.0&lc=3082
as explained, first I get hotmail login in Spanish(and I am from Serbia) and then when I login it says something like:
Quote:even though this page is encrypted it might easily be viewed by the third party, are you sure you want to continue?

And then I press "continue" since that was the hotmail account that I don't use often at all. but browser sent me an error:
Quote:Firefox can't find the server at 12415124-212-3-123123-blabla.apps.dev.live.com.
of course this 12415124-blablabla is just the random code that I wrote right now, it was actually some even longer code which contained both letters and numbers.

Oh I forgot to mention that I use myBB 1.6 and I missread the part where you say its still unavailable for 1.6 Sad

Any help would be appreciated! Smile
Maybe this is a stupid question but Is this ok that 5 after wlregister.php this part of code is on the end of the wlregister.php
//Display username selection form
define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);
add_breadcrumb("Username Selection", "wlregister.php5");

I dont know any php.....
(2012-03-16, 04:08 PM)cezars Wrote: Maybe this is a stupid question but Is this ok that 5 after wlregister.php this part of code is on the end of the wlregister.php
//Display username selection form
define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);
add_breadcrumb("Username Selection", "wlregister.php5");

I dont know any php.....

The 5 can be removed if your server does not require a 5 at the end of the filename for PHP5 files.
http://Screeze.com - A fun general discussions forum. Login using Facebook, Twitter, Windows Live or normally.

Utilize Twitter logins on your own board.
(2012-03-17, 01:39 AM)afrothunder Wrote:
(2012-03-16, 04:08 PM)cezars Wrote: Maybe this is a stupid question but Is this ok that 5 after wlregister.php this part of code is on the end of the wlregister.php
//Display username selection form
define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);
add_breadcrumb("Username Selection", "wlregister.php5");

I dont know any php.....

The 5 can be removed if your server does not require a 5 at the end of the filename for PHP5 files.

thx work with 5 and without 5
User_warning: Warning: processLogin: query action ignored: in windowslivelogin.php on line 457

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data1/www/htdocs/527/xxfe/1/windowslivelogin.php:457) in webauth-handler.php on line 59

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data1/www/htdocs/527/xxfe/1/windowslivelogin.php:457) in webauth-handler.php on line 60

mybb version 1.6.7
i am english very bad!

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