Not Solved A Profile Question
Not Solved
I am currently modifying my profile page. I'd like it to display the usergroup name of a person who's profile I am viewing. I have tried a number of codes, and $memprofile[usergroup] seems to work somewhat - it displays the usergroup number. But what I want is it to display the usergroup name, not the number.

How do I get it to display the usergroup name?
Not Solved
The following will echo the usergroups the person belongs to (including secondary user groups). You will have to adapt it to work for your profile page.
$query = $db->query("SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroups g LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u ON g.gid = u.usergroup OR g.gid IN u.additionalgroups WHERE u.uid = " . $memprofile[uid]);
while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)){
echo $row['title'] . "<br/>";
If you just want to return the title of the primary user group the user is in then use
$query= $db->query("SELECT title FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroups WHERE gid = " . $memprofile['usergroup']);
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