[Alpha] Games Mad! Arcade! for myBB
Games Mad! Arcade! for myBB Official Development Thread

Status: Private Alpha
Active development site: Going public soon!

What does it do?

Games Mad! Arcade! for myBB quickly and easily adds a fully functional arcade system to your myBB forum, complete with over 1000 games. All games are pre-categorized, but they can be sorted into your own custom lists as required for you board. You can also select a featured game. There is also a high score system, however as all games are scored differently (and some not at all), players get 1 point for each game that they play. This is displayed in their profile, and also alongside their post count.

Feature List

Here is a comprehensive list of the planned features for Games Mad! Arcade! for myBB. If you have a feature request, please feel free to make a post and your idea will certainly be considered.

For your members
  • Play over 1000 games.
  • Earn points for playing games.
  • Bookmark games
  • Rate games
  • Find games by ratings

For admins
  • Setup a full arcade in minutes.
  • Or customize it to your exact requirements.

Feature Requests

Thought of something that Games Mad! Arcade! for myBB should be able to do? Feel free to make a post and your idea will certainly be considered.
Any screenshots?
Maybe add a tournament feature?
A tournament feature would be great.
Although I'd like to see some screenshots too. :\
How would a tournament feature work? I couldn't think of a good way to implement one so any idea would be great Smile

I'll get some screenshots as soon as I get everything looking a bit more pretty, and then probably a Beta not too long after that.
People can start tournaments, and the highest scores progress through the table, like this:

Finalist | Finalist
Qualified | Qualified | Qualified
Start | Start | Start | Start
points??? integrable whitd newpoints?
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink
@Rozzy But how would those heats be decided?

@Walkman Do you mean the myBB points mod? If so, then yes I will definitely have a look at that.
Gamesmad... Its a games website. Your scores, compare with eachothers. It's not hard to understand. o.O
But thats not how I'm doing the scoring for this because pretty much all games have a different way of scoring so it would be pretty much impossible to figure out how to pull all the scores. Instead players get a point for each game they play. Perhaps having most games played over a certain time period progresses to the next round? But I thought that would be pretty open to cheating...
any screenshoot
Exclamation MyBB-Es.Com, spanish support for MyBB Wink

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