for the background it is in Admin CP > Themes > Modify / Delete > Edit > Page Container (Customized in this style)

under the Extra CSS Attributes find

background: #ffffff url( no-repeat;

just change #fffff to the color you like

thanks zaher it works ill update this thread for further questions
now i want to remove my bb logo from top and want to put my own image or just text
so how can i change it thanks
Hello there,

in Admin CP>Templates > Modify / Delete > Exapnd > header

<div class="logo"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

this is the code for the logo, whether u delete it or just edit it

zaher1988 Wrote:Hello there,

in Admin CP>Templates > Modify / Delete > Exapnd > header

<div class="logo"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

this is the code for the logo, whether u delete it or just edit it

yes zaher it was there but how can i edit it i want to display another name

welll you need an image for your logo, a new one i mean. you may create one using photoshop

then upload it to your server. and replace
$theme[logo] in the code with the url of the new image.

if you just want to add text.

replace the whole code with
<div class="logo"><h1>YOU SITE TITLE</h></div>

hai there
i had removed this code
<div class="logo"><a href="$settings[bburl]/index.php"><img src="$theme[logo]" alt="$settings[bbname]" border="0" /></a></div>

and then replaced this code
<div class="logo"><h1>INDIANSCOOP</h></div>
but after this i seen the word indianscoop and search link, memberlist calender, help are also having the same text size
this five were having same size of text

but how can i upload image to server
the owner of hosting company given only one link and user id and pass to log into forum

well it shouldn't, make sure you have closed the div </div>

regarding the hosting thingy, we can't help, upload the images the way u did for the images the 1st time.
Quote:<div class="logo"><h1>INDIANSCOOP</h></div>

You have </h> and not </h1>.
Dennis Tsang
Former MyBB Team Member

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