Not Solved Customizing signature page
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Not certain if this's been asked earlier....what I want is this..

I want to let people know while creating their signature in the User CP - > "edit signatures" that they cannot use two URLs in a signature...or they cannot have anchor texts in signature or something in the lines..

Now usually on the signature page things like...
Smilies are On.
MyCode is On.
[img] tags are On.
HTML is Off.
Max. length is 255 characters.

are mentioned and they could be changed in the admin section..

How do I make the change that my custom statements are reflected on the very same page?

Any inputs please?
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If you only want to put your custom statements manually, you can edit usercp_editsig template.
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(2010-09-16, 06:22 PM)RateU Wrote: If you only want to put your custom statements manually, you can edit usercp_editsig template.

Thanks for response.

Where is this file located? I am using mybb 1.4 and I believe there are just two files usercp.php and usercp2.php.

Do I need to create a new file with that name?
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acp>styles and templates>tempates>yourtheme>usercp templates
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(2010-09-17, 10:33 AM)adbrad Wrote: acp>styles and templates>tempates>yourtheme>usercp templates

Thanks. Checked these also, there are a number of variables listed there ($lang->edit_sig_note2 and $codebuttons etc). Seems there is no convenient way to do what I am trying to achieve. Is there any other way to do it?

one more thing, how could I show signature on the profile page even if user is not logged in? (Profile is only visible when user is logged in)
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(2010-09-17, 02:36 PM)techsniper Wrote: Seems there is no convenient way to do what I am trying to achieve.

If you want to do it in template level:

Find and edit this code in your usercp_editsig template:
<span class="smalltext">{$lang->edit_sig_note2}</span>

(2010-09-17, 02:36 PM)techsniper Wrote: Is there any other way to do it?

Basically, the {$lang->edit_sig_note2} will load its value from usercp.lang.php file:

$l['edit_sig_note2'] = "Smilies are {1}.<br />MyCode is {2}.<br />[img] tags are {3}.<br />HTML is {4}.<br />Max. length is {5} characters.";

So, you can add your additional information in that line, if you want to do it in edit language level.

It is up to you which way do you want to do.

(2010-09-17, 02:36 PM)techsniper Wrote: how could I show signature on the profile page even if user is not logged in? (Profile is only visible when user is logged in)

Do you want Profile visible to guest? If so, check the Guest permission. If you want only signature visible to guest, not all profile information, you need a plugin.
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I wanted to show the profile with signature in it to the guest users. Thanks for the excellent help! That's all I needed.

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