Looking for someone who can do extremely high quality professional stuff, quickly.
If you're a designer who is trying to cut their teeth on a few projects as practice, this is not the job for you.
PM or reply with a portfolio where I can check out your work, and how much your rates are.
Come on.... nobody?
If you're a designer who is trying to cut their teeth on a few projects as practice, this is not the job for you.
PM or reply with a portfolio where I can check out your work, and how much your rates are.
(2010-10-06, 07:12 AM)foxy Wrote: Looking for someone who can do extremely high quality professional stuff, quickly.
If you're a designer who is trying to cut their teeth on a few projects as practice, this is not the job for you.
PM or reply with a portfolio where I can check out your work, and how much your rates are.
Come on.... nobody?