why mybb is slow?
my hoster is a good hoster. my server is in a webfarm in USA and it is not a "low cost server".
i'm sure. try. i think that "Server and Optimization Options" can be changed to have a best performance.

it is possible?
please, can you tell me more info :-)
um, well what settings are you using now?
[Image: unoriginal42.gif]
it sounds like your host is crap. thats all. MYBB is very dependant on the host its running on when it comes to speed.

are you sure your adsl just isn't crap as well?
i'm prety sure it is a server related issue and at all not related to how mybb works or coded

NOW in admin pannel, "Server and Optimization Options".
these are my settings:

GZip Page Compression = YES

GZip Page Compression Level = 4

Uploads Path = ./uploads

Send Standard Headers = NO

Send No Cache Headers = NO

Friendly Redirection Pages = OFF !!

NIX Load Limiting = 0

..but it is slow :-(
can you post the link to your forum?
at the moment my forum is avaible only for registrant users
To tell how fast MyBB is processing your pages you can look at the debug information in the footer which tells you generation time, query time and other details.

These are a decent indication of how fast MyBB is working.

Any other time spent loading the page is your browser making requests or your connection downloading the page.
hello Chris Boulton :-)

can i write here all info about "advanced details" debug?
(all info are important??)

so you can read it and tell me more info?

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