Name: MyShowcase System v2.5.2
MyBB Download: http://mods.mybb.com/view/myshowcase-system
New Files: Lots
New Folders: Several
DB Changes: 9 new tables at install plus one table for each showcase created
Templates: Lots
Compatibility: 1.6.x
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical ShareAlike 3.0
License Website: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-n.../legalcode
The MyShowcase System allows an Admin to create one or more showcases, typically known as a 'garage' when talking about vehicles. However, this system is so advanced this single plugin and ACP module can handle unlimited showcases of varying content and design. Create showcases for your users to display vehicles, homes, computers, artwork, pets, software, and nearly anything else you can think of.
Each showcase has its own field layout, data design, content, moderators, permissions, and other settings. While each showcase can have its own table/data design, that design can be shared across multiple showcases.
Below is a list of features and some screenshots.
Files included cover things such as:
- A complete ACP module to manage the MyShowcase System
- A plugin file set to handle install, uninstall, main templates, Who's Online integration, Postbit integration (links to user showcases) and optional random entries on the portal
- Language support
- Datahandler and file upload support files
- Attachment support with thumbnails and FancyBox viewer
- Usergroup based permissions to cover viewing, adding, editing, commenting, attachments, comment moderation, attachment limits and searching
- Multiple form inputs supported:
- Textbox
- Textarea
- Select/Dropdowns
- Radio
- Checkboxes
- Date (M/D/Y via select/dropdown)
- Textbox
- Attachment Support with
- Automatic thumbnails
- Watermarking per showcase
- FancyBox Javascript display
- Non-image upload support
- Automatic thumbnails
- Comments Support with
- Notifications of new comments
- MyCode
- Smilies
- Moderation by showcase owner, comment author and staff
- Notifications of new comments
- Report to Moderator feature
- Multiple showcase entries per user in each showcase
- MyCode and smilie support in specified fields and comments
- Option to link to user's showcase entries in postbit user details
- Option to show thumbnail for entry on index/list of showcase
- User specified sorting (views, counts, username, plus custom fields)
- Search support for specified fields and username, with exact match or "like" support
ACP Feature List
- Multiple showcase support
- One main file that can be copied/renamed to assign to each showcase, no CODING!
- SEO support with link to generate .htaccess code for you to copy/paste
- Showcase usage stats on summary page
- Enable, disable, delete showcases
- Create and delete (if empty) showcase data tables
- Built-in support for automatically creating language files in default language
- Custom and dynamic fields for each showcase
- Automatic field label language support
- Help documents in ACP
- Cache support with ability to rebuild with single click
- Custom dropdown lists (option/select forms)
- Additional mods and groups as mods support
- Usergroup based permissions
- Reusable field sets, make one set and use it again in another showcase.
Field options Feature List
- Multiple field sets
- Built-in language support that actually creates languages files for you in the default language
- Specify field type, size, min and max lengths, is required, is enabled, is searchable
- Optional numeric field formatting (integers, one decimal, two decimal, commas at thousands)
- Define custom lists for radio and options/select items
- Reuse field sets in multiple showcases
Any version to 2.5.2
Deactivate existing plugin
Upload files
Activate plugin
* Depending on your template modification, you may need to perform a Diff Report on several templates, including myshowcase_top, to ensure that the new code to support jQuery/FancyBox is present.
Change Log:
- fixed issue with creating indexes on text type fields when creating showcase table
- fixed issue with some button not displaying when the showcase file is in MyBB root
- fixed permissions based on additional user groups
- fixed issue with moderator group selections where autocomplete is used and newer MyBB
installs append "(Usergroup X)" text to the group name which was breaking a query
- revised attachment displays
- better support for no FancyBox or no JS
- optimized image output
- output images via PHP and not as .attach files which some servers don't support
- attachment display template changes
- fixed upgrade code that was setting some templates as empty
- added verification of versions between main file and the overall system version
- updated help page
- changed attachment view code to support no Javascript or no FancyBox or server
configurations that can not open ".attach" filenames directly.
- cleaned up and improved code for displaying non-image attachments
- non-image attachments display now show inline if supported by browser, otherwise download
- cleaned up report form to use MyBB style popup window
- added watermark support for image attachments
- cleaned up and redesinged attachment templates for new/edit pages
- fixed bug that would not delete an attachment fully
- fixed bug introduced in 2.3.0 that double escaped text and broke mulitple line support
- modified upgrade code to support "Find Updated Templates" for MyShowcase templates
- changed headers from PavementSucks.com to CommunityPlugins.com
- corrected myshowcase_view_admin template to include post_key input
- more security updates
- simplified names of plugin files
- made 1.6.5 compatible
- moved FancyBox code to separate template to avoid loading on all showcase pages
- added support for "date" fields, with dropdowns for M, D, Y
- added support for URL fields
- added search term highlighting
- updated help page
-fixed typo in template name that was not allowing attachments to show
-fixed minor bug with typo in function name
- fixed bug with sample data schema
- fixed bug with install/upgrade code for a field name
- reviewed code with emphasis on security, cleaned up a few potential issues
- added FancyBox support for image attachments
- added pruning support and related task file/entry
- added notification of comments, based on user cp allow notices setting
- added support for smilies, BBCode and HTML in fields (per field, per showcase)
- added support for admin setting error where field not enabled but set to required
- added support for auto-correcting supplied field names to make them valid for SQL
- added support for formatting numeric fields
- updated help doc
- optimized some queries to remove one large one and reuse another
- optimized queries for reports from multiple showcases
- fixed non-image attachments, uses attach type icon and direct download when not an image
- fixed issue with using attachment instead of default image for non-images
- increased size of comment field in table to TEXT from VARCHAR(200)
- fixed bug where deleting an entry in one showcase entry remove attachments in other showcases with same id
- fixed bug in report notice showing empty text and wrong link
- fixed issue regarding displaying entries from guests (if guest entries are allowed)
- fixed missing message for no entries/results
Version 2.1.0
- Added report to Moderator feature
- Corrected files damaged by corrupt SVN
- Corrected several templates
- Adds new templates for reporting feature
- Moved some code to separate files
- Added support to show thumbnail on index/list page of a showcase
Version 2.0.4
- Fixed issue with default data for db and radio type fields
- Fixed issue with disabled fields displaying during edit
Version 2.0.3:
- Fixed issue with handling of disabled fields
- Fixed handling of changing field names for db and radio type field options
- Corrected template width issue for HTML select type form objects
- Fixed issue with attachments if settings inconsistent
- Changed default sort order to descending by last edit
- Fixed who's online URLs for showcases
Version 2.0.2:
Skipped release due to some bugs
Version 2.0.1:
Initial public release
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.