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[For 1.6] Upcoming Events
The plugin is awesome.
Sorry for the necro bump, but I'm hoping for some help with this plugin.

First, I'd like to add this to the sidebar (currently using sidebox plugin) instead of at the bottom of the forum. It appears the sidebox additional boxes are not compatible with this for whatever reason. I noticed another request above and followed the instructions in the response, but my index templates do not appear to have any "$sb_" code anywhere from what I see. I could be looking in the wrong places (using reksio theme if that's relevant). --Accomplished. Removed sidebox plugin and used something else Sad

Second, I'd like to increase the text limits of the portal block text. Currently, the event is crammed onto a single line and thus, event titles and details get cut off. I'd like the full event text to appear instead. Seems to likely be a php edit.--Accomplished. It's in the upcoming_events.php file in inc/plugins. Find this code:

$event['link'] = truncate($event['link'],7);

And replace the 7 with whatever number you want (I used 25). You can do the same with the next "truncate" line not far below it to increase the rest of the text limits.

The last issue I have, I still can't figure out. The index portion of the upcoming events shows the poster of the event. The portal version does not. How would I go about adding this information?--Fixed again myself. Have to edit the upcoming_events.php file.
I recently moved my portal page out of the /forum/ directory. Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I need to edit to make my links path correctly?

They are currently pathing to
my domain/calendar
When it's supposed to path to:
my domain/forum/calendar

any help would be much appreciated!
Anybody update this plugin?
Is it possible to add Upcoming Events to top of forum?
We have upcoming game events in calendar and everyone would notice em better from top.

Ty in advance,
Is it possible what Tomiol80 said?
If I remember correctly, by default the variables are in:
- index_boardstats - {$upcoming_events} - it is possible to move it to any other place in any index template.
- portal - {$upcoming_events_portal} - it is possible to move it to any other place in any portal template.
Is there any way to make this plugin detect events set in the Ranged or recurring events section?

Would love for this to show them but no idea what to change to do so.

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